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St Joseph’s CatholicPrimary School

Our classes

 We are a two-form entry school, and our class structure is as follow:


Acorn Class

(Nursery aged children)

Ash Class

(Nursery and Reception aged children)

Beech Class

Reception aged children

Key Stage 1

Cedar Class

(Year 1)

Cherry Class

(Year 1)

Elm Class

(Year 2)


Fir Class

(Year 2)

Lower Key Stage 2

Hazel Class

(Year 3)

Maple Class

(Year 3)

Oak Class

(Year 4)


Pine Class

(Year 4)

Upper Key Stage 2

Rowan Class

(Year 5)

Poplar Class

(Year 5)

Sycamore Class

(Year 6)


Willow Class

(Year 6)

Please find below our school day timings.

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School

Great Hadham Road,
Bishop's Stortford,
Hertfordshire, CM23 2NL

08:30 - 4:30pm

01279 652576