Early Years
Acorn Class (Nursery aged children) |
Ash Class (Nursery and Reception aged children) |
Beech Class Reception aged children |
The children have had an excellent start into Early Years.
In Acorn class we have been learning about the 'Zones of Regulation' and looking at how we feel and which zone we are in. During our colour topic we have been exploring with water what colours we can make when they are mixed together.
The children enjoy exploring the musical instruments. They love to sing and play music together.
This half term we have been exploring Colour. We have experimented with colour mixing, looking at all the beautiful colours in the world that God made and learning to choose colour for a purpose. We have also been learning about the story of Creation and how God made the amazing world we live in. Ash class have also started Drawing club and absolutely love time to mark make and come up with our own creations and inventions!
We have spent lots of time exploring the Creation story using a range of props and collage materials.
In maths, we have been learning to subitise within three using visual dots and objects from around our classroom.
To follow on from our learning about the story- Elmer by David Mckee, we had great fun painting our own Elmers with a focus on colour mixing. Some of us were pleasantly surprised by the colours we could create using our primary colours (red, blue and yellow)!
We are thoroughly looking forward to more new and exciting learning over the coming weeks.