Special Educational Needs Information
We are an inclusive school, aiming to ensure all children have their needs met so they can achieve success and enjoy their time in school. To help children in their learning or social development, we use a range of support resources, from whole school initiatives to 1:1 intervention.
We use local and regional expertise to help us with this task, and work in partnership with other schools to guide our practice and policy. If at any stage you have a question or query about how your child is being supported, please contact their class teacher, the SENCO, Mrs Ruth Rogers on senco@stjosephs207.herts.sch.uk or the Headteacher.
Where to access support.
There are some services that parents/carers can access without a school referral. This includes the school nursing team which can advise on a range of health areas including:
- Promoting physical and mental health activities.
- Helping families that need a little extra support, including specific parenting issues, emotional difficulties and coping with long term conditions.
Parents/carers can make a referral using the form on the following website https://www.hertsfamilycentres.org/info-and-advice/parents-and-mums-to-be/school-nurses.aspx
Parents can also access support through the following helplines:
- EP Contactline: 01992 588574 (Wednesday, 2-4:30pm)
- Speech and Language Advice Line: 01992 823093 or check www.hct.nhs.uk
- Speech, Language, Communication and Autism Team Advice Line: 01442 453920 (Tues & Wed 1:30-4.30pm)
- Mental Health needs – Schools and Families Advice Line (SFAL): 0300 777 0707
Parents/Carers can also access a range of free training covering a variety of needs including Autism, Behaviour, Dyspraxia, ADHD and Mental Health issues through Delivering Specialist Provision Locally (DSPL3).
Support can also be found through Hertfordshire's Local offer. The Local offer lets parents know what special educational needs and disability services are available in Hertfordshire and who can access them.